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This guide is a living document to support faculty and staff working with the PressbooksEDU platform.

Basic Tables

Pressbooks has a basic table tool within the editor. This tool is very similar to tools found in Microsoft Word and other common word processing software.

To insert a basic table, move the cursor to the part of the chapter where you want the table to appear. Select the table icon in the toolbar. In the drop down, use "Table" to select a table in the dimensions you need. The number of blue boxes highlighted will equal the number of cells in your table.  

A screenshot of the editor in Pressbooks.  The table drop down menu is open, and a 4 cell by 2 cell table is highlighted.

Once your table is created, you can select the table icon again to modify the table properties (including appearance) or modify particular cells, rows, or columns.


TablePress is a plugin that allows you to create dynamic tables that can be sorted, filtered, and searched. TablePress tables are exported as static tables for non-webbook formats.

If Tablepress is not enabled, please contact Some features must be enabled by an administrator. Once activated, it will appear in the left hand menu.

In the TablePress page, you will have the option to create new tables or import tables from existing CSV, XLS, or XLSX  files. Once you have created a table, you will be able to add or modify data in the cells using the "Table Content" menu.  The "Table Manipulation" and "Table Options" menus on the same page allow you to modify content, how the table appears in your book, and how it can be interacted with by readers.

To insert a TablePress table into your chapter, you will insert or type out the table's shortcode where you want it to appear. For tables, the short code appears as [table id=(ID number) /].  You can find a table's shortcode by hovering over the table's name in TablePress and selecting "Show Shortcode."

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