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This guide is a living document to support faculty and staff working with the PressbooksEDU platform.

Sharing & Archiving

Making Your Book Public

Your book has a global privacy setting which determines who can access your book:

  • Private: only invited users can see your book or any content.
  • Public: Anyone with a link can see the book, but individual chapters can be set to private or be password-protected.

You can see your book's global privacy setting at the top of the "Organize" page, or under Settings > Sharing & Privacy.

Once your book is public, you can share your book using the unique URL for your book. You can also share your book through the Pressbooks Directory.

Pressbooks Directory

The Pressbooks Directory is an index of open books created in the Pressbooks platform. This is where you can search for books to clone for adaptation. You can also share your book in the directory to help other readers find and use your book.

To share your book to the Pressbooks Directory, go to Settings > Sharing & Privacy. There is a "Pressbooks Directory" option where you can choose to include or exclude your book from the directory. Your book will not appear until the book's global privacy setting is public.


Pressbooks allows you to export your book into ten different formats. Five formats are considered supported, making them the most stable options for export.

To export your book, use the check boxes to select which formats you want to export your book into. Use the "Export Your Book" button to initiate the export process. The last three versions of each format type will be available under "Latest Exports."

To make export files available to readers, go to Settings > Sharing & Privacy. One of the options is "Share Latest Export Files." To allow readers to download, select "Yes, I would like the latest export files to be available on the homepage for free, to everyone."

The most recent export of each file format will be available for download on the book's homepage. To remove a file type from the download option, simply delete all versions of that file format from the Latest Exports list.


Scholarly Commons, ERAU's institutional repository, is used to archive your book and provide space for additional support materials.

A PDF copy of your book will be archived in Scholarly Commons in the OER Textbook collection once it is published, and we highly recommend archiving an editable .xml Pressbook file of your book for additional stability. You can also archive different editions of your book.

Scholarly Commons can host additional support materials, like study guides, additional worked examples, or other ancillaries for your book. You can link to these from your book, or provide them for other educators who may use your book in the future.

For more information, please contact

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