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This guide is a living document to support faculty and staff working with the Eagle Pubs Pressbooks platform.

Embedding Content

Supported File Types

As discussed in earlier pages, several types of media can be embedded visually or as a download link directly from your book's Media Library.  Most standard file types are supported:

  • Images: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
  • Audio: mp3, midi, MID, m4a.
  • Files: pdf, epub.
  • Video: mov, avim wmv, mp4.
    • Note: Uploading video directly into your book is not usually recommended. Uploading to a dedicated streaming service and then embedding the video is recommended due to file size and to provide better playback support.

Adding Content using oEmbed

Content from providers using oEmbed can be embedded automatically. Simply copy the URL of the media item you want to embed, and paste the URL into its own line in the visual editor where you want it to appear.

Many major websites - such as Twitter, Reddit, TED, and Spotify - use oEmbed. Wordpress maintains a list of current providers and their compatibility.

Adding Content using iFrames

Pressbooks limits content that can be added with iFrames for security reasons. Content from the following can be added to your book using iFrames:

  • Phet Simulations.
  • Knight Lab Timelines.
  • Brightcove.
  • Google Forms.
  • Google Maps.

Additional providers can be added to your book using an ERAU specific whitelist. If you need additional providers added, contact for review.

H5P also has an iframe content type. You can use this function to create iframes for your own files and content to embed them visually in your book.

Embeds in Exports

Not all embedded content can be displayed in ebooks or PDF versions of your book. If this happens, Pressbooks will introduce a stand-in image in your book which explains that the interactive element has been excluded, and provides a link to the webbook page where the content can be seen.

Additional Resources

Maps and Parking