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Dissertation Submission Procedures - Daytona Beach

Engineering Physics

Program Coordinator

Edwin Mierkiewicz
Associate Professor and Program Coordinator for the Ph.D. program
Location: COAS 319.29
Phone: 386-226-6709

Department Procedures

  1. Successfully complete PhD core [EP 701 - 704] and pass the qualifying exam
  2. Submit a Prospectus
  3. The student forms a dissertation committee no later than the semester following the successful completion of the qualifying exam.
    • This committee is comprised of a minimum of four members, all of whom must be approved by the PhD Program Committee; the dissertation committee is chaired by the student’s dissertation advisor.
    • One committee member will be external to the EP PhD program. Committee members external to ERAU, or non-graduate faculty, will need to be granted term graduate faculty status by the COAS Graduate Committee.
    • The defense includes a public talk with Q&A followed by a private Q&A with the dissertation committee.
    • These events are scheduled by the student, working with the schedules of the PhD committee.
  4. The student works with Susan Adams to advertise the defense.
  5. Upon a successful defense, the student will then upload the dissertation to Scholarly Commons. 

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