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Dissertation Submission Procedures - Daytona Beach

About this Guide

Daytona Beach doctoral degree students are required to submit a full-text electronic copy of each dissertation to be housed in ERAU Scholarly Commons. Depending on your degree program, the Committee Chair or Program Coordinator may submit a copy of your dissertation on your behalf. Click on your degree program tab in the left margin for more information. There is no cost to submit your dissertation electronically.

In addition, ERAU recommends doctoral students also submit their dissertation for inclusion in ProQuest Electronic Theses and Dissertations Database. The Hunt Library no longer requires that you provide a print copy of your dissertation for the Dissertation & Theses collection. For more information, see the Print Copies section tab across the top of this page.

Formatting Your Dissertation (Required)

You must provide a correctly formatted PDF copy. Scholarly Commons does not offer style sheet recommendations.  For questions on the preferred style sheet, consult your department. To format your dissertation, use a word processing program to save your file appropriately. ProQuest, the company that will eventually host your dissertation online (if you choose), provides documentation on this process. For more information, please see the next tab, "Submitting."

Submitting Your Dissertation (Required)

Depending on your degree program, either you or your department will be required to submit your dissertation to ERAU Scholarly Commons. Click on your degree program tab in the left margin for more information.

Please select “Submit Doctoral Dissertation” on Scholarly Commons EDT Submissions and fill out the form:

  1. Read and accept the Submission Agreement.
  2. Provide information about yourself.
  3. First click on the pencil icon on the right side of the field.
  4. Enter your email address, name, and suffix if needed.
  5. Include Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in the institution field next to your name.

    Screenshot of doctoral dissertation and masters thesis submissions screen
  6. Required: enter your Eagle Card ID number.
  7. Select an embargo period, if applicable. If a date is entered in this field, then the full-text will not be downloadable until that date elapses. Metadata is viewable to everyone regardless of an embargo period. For additional questions about an embargo period, contact
  8. Select the appropriate document type:
    • Dissertation – Open Access: open to the public to download the full-text upon publishing, as long as no future embargo date is entered. If an embargo date is entered, the full-text will become open access only once the embargo date expires. (Metadata is viewable to everyone).
    • Dissertation – ERAU Login Required: full-text is fully available to download by users with ERAU login credentials, not the general public, as long as no future embargo date is entered. If an embargo date is entered, the full-text will be downloadable by users with ERAU login credentials after  the embargo date expires. (Metadata is viewable to everyone.)
  9. Provide the names of all individuals that must approve the submission. Double-check your spelling and make sure to use the first and last name of the individual. Here is an example of what the page will look like after submission:

    Example record of a dissertation submission
  10. Required: Provide keywords. Keywords allow indexers and search engines to find your dissertation. Keywords should be specific to your field and not used in the title. You should also avoid using acronyms.
  11. Select as many academic discipline(s) as needed by using the checkmarks next to each discipline. You can narrow your search by clicking on the + sign. If an academic discipline is not listed, select the “other” category within the related discipline or contact for support.
  12. Required: Provide an abstract.
  13. Upload a PDF copy of the final version of your dissertation and any other supporting documents.
  14. Attach additional files.
    • Required: upload a PDF copy of the signed PhD Dissertation Acceptance Form (GS9)
    • Review all the information on the form.
    • Scroll to the bottom. You will see a check box in the Additional Files section. Check mark that box.
    • Then click on Submit. Please only click once.
    • After you click on Submit the system will bring you to a different screen where you can upload the GS9 form.
  15. If you need to attach another document to the record, return to the record you just created. In the left margin, click on Revise Submission. If you are submitting a spreadsheet, make certain that it is set to Read Only. Go to the Additional Files section and follow the above instructions.
  16. In order to attach additional files after initial submission: return to the record and click on Revise Submission again and follow the above instructions.

If you have any technical difficulties with the online form, you may email your documents to

After you have submitted your dissertation electronically, you will receive email confirmation from Scholarly Commons when your dissertation has been approved and published. The site administrators will notify the Office of the Registrar when your dissertation has been published. To inquire about the status of your submission, contact

Publishing Dissertations in ProQuest

To submit your dissertation to ProQuest:

  1. Go to the ProQuest EDT registration
  2. Create a personal account
  3. The ProQuest Electronic Thesis and Dissertation system will guide you through the submission process step by step with a handy checklist on the left side of the screen: Traditional Publishing or Open Access Plus
  4. Students may choose between two different publishing options: Traditional Publishing or Open Access Plus. There are also options for: publishing format, registering for US Copyright, and ordering print copies.
  5. Once you have completed the dissertation submission process your dissertation will be stored in an electronic holding queue until all dissertation grades are finalized. Passing dissertations will then be forwarded to ProQuest (usually in February or March). It is at this time that ProQuest will begin processing requests for filing US Copyright (if requested) and orders for bound copies (if requested).


Copyright resides with the author until such time that the author assigns their rights to another party (i.e. a publisher). U.S. law does not require an author to register their copyright with the U.S. Copyright Office; however, in 2019 the Supreme Court held that registration of a copyright is required as condition of filing an infringement action. If an author is concerned about the use of their work, then registration is recommended. Registration with the U.S. Copyright Office does not protect the author from infringement in other nations. The author would have to register their work with each country individually. Registration is available here.

ProQuest offers a copyright preparation service for $75 per document and only at the time of submission. The U.S. Copyright office charges $45 for a single author document. Learn whether to register your dissertation for copyright here.

Optional Print Copies

Embry-Riddle no longer requires a printed copy of your thesis. Any provision of bound copies to committee members or departments is a courtesy and not a part of graduation requirements. The official copy of record is the digital copy found in Scholarly Commons.

You are free to make your own bindery contacts and negotiate your own agreements, shipping arrangements, and methods of payment. The library does not recommend any bindery, but offer the following suggestions for your convenience. 

Any paper copies produced by the student would be for personal use and not considered "official."

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