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Scholarly Communication at ERAU

Research Services to Support Access, Awareness, and Impact

Open-access institutional repositories like Scholarly Commons and scholarly profile services like Portfolio provide researchers with opportunities to self-archive and distribute their research in new ways that increase access, awareness and impact.

As part of the library's overarching Scholarly Communication policies and support for faculty and staff, we offer a full array of repository-related resources.

Scholarly Commons

Screenshot of the homepage of ERAU's Scholarly CommonsScholarly Commons is an open-access digital repository that collects, archives, and disseminates the intellectual and creative output of the University’s faculty, staff, and students. Scholarly Commons hosts contributions from across the university, including faculty and student research, conferences and events, journals and magazines, research data, university documents and publications, and more. Learn how Scholarly Commons can support your research while extending its reach.

Portfolio Profiles

The front page of the Portfolio webpagePortfolio showcases ERAU faculty members' scholarly information and publications with features not available from other profile services. Your profile allows you to dynamically showcase and track your publications, presentations, collaborations and more in a polished and professional research profile. Works completed while you serve at ERAU are further archived in Scholarly Commons and are featured in our collections. 


Journals & Magazines

Screenshot of the landing page for journals and magazines Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University publishes open-access journals and magazines focusing on the topics of aerospace, aeronautics, security, education and highlighting our student and alumni achievements. We are committed to sharing the intellectual output of ERAU’s faculty, students and staff globally. As indicated by our Creative Commons designation, researchers are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or link to the full text articles without needing prior permission from ERAU or the individual authors.

Conferences & Events

A screenshot of the Aviasian Conference page as an exampleThe Hazy and Hunt Libraries at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University provides online conference and event hosting in the university repository, Scholarly Commons. What does hosting a conference in Scholarly Commons offer?

  • Paper/Presentation submission feature.
  • Built in online Peer Review process for papers and presentations.
  • Published online conference agenda.
  • Online Registration including ecommerce tools, using TouchNet services.
  • Publishing/Archival of the conference proceedings or other event content.

Find more information on conference or event hosting.

Student Works

Screenshot of the landing page for student works in Scholarly CommonsThe Student Works collection encompasses the articles, reports, presentations, videos, posters and other research published in Scholarly Commons. All student works are recommended by ERAU faculty for inclusion in the collection.

For more information, contact the Scholarly Communication Team at A member of the Scholarly Communication Team will contact you as soon as possible during regular business hours.

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