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Ebook Central

This guide will help you with Ebook Central.

Read Online

Ebooks can be read online with no downloading required.

Most ebooks appear in a PDF format with a navigation panel on the left-hand side. Expand the table of contents for ease of navigation. Close the navigation panel to expand your book to full screen for reading.

Screenshot showing the navigation panel and closing button

Use the online reader icons (below) to interact with the book. Download the book for offline access, download a chapter, copy a page or print a section of the text:

Online reader buttons for downloading, PDFs, copying or printing

Add a book to your Bookshelf as a way of managing your research.  Retrieve a page-specific link to share from the book. Create a citation and choose from 5 styles:

Buttons for creating citations and links

Annotate the book by highlighting, adding notes, or bookmarking a page:

Navigation pane buttons for highlighting, adding notes and bookmarking.

Search Within Book

Type your search term into the search box, making sure to put phrases in quotes. Search results are displayed with frequency bars next to each chapter. Select the chapter name to see the results per page and contextual snippets of text.

Screenshot highlighting the search box and results

View Online Allowances

On the book icon in the navigation panel, you can view your online allowances in copying or printing/chapter download. If you have printed, downloaded a chapter in PDF, or copied any pages of the book, the allowances will automatically count down.

Screenshot showing online allowances for printing and downloading


Copy the whole page by selecting the copy icon in the navigation toolbar. To copy text within a page, select your text and use the copy icon in the pop-up menu. This will count down your "pages to copy" allowances.

Print and Chapter Download

Download a chapter to PDF. Text is searchable and selectable, and a citation is included. Pages included in your Chapter Download are counted as part of your overall print allowances. 

Book Download

You can also view your download allowances, which will download the title into Adobe Digital Editions for offline access. In this example, the book is available to download for offline access for 21 days. Alternatively, you can continue to read the book on the online reader.

Annotations, Notes, and Bookmarks

You can highlight sections of the book, add notes, or bookmark pages of the book in the Online Reader itself. You may view and manage your annotations via the Star icon in the navigation panel. Books that are annotated are automatically saved into your Bookshelf.

Screenshot highlighting bookmarks and highlighted text

Online Reader for EPUB

If an ebook is only available in the EPUB format then clicking on any "Read Online" icon will open the book in the Online Reader for EPUB. You can still copy, print, and download for offline access. Use the arrows to navigate page by page. 

Screenshot showing online reader buttons for copying, printing and downloading

Table of Contents

Access the Table of Contents via the icon on the top right. You may scroll through each chapter and click through to the relevant page.

Screenshot showing table of contents

Search Within

You may search within the title with a keyword or phrase search. You must use quotation marks if you wish to search for a phrase. The search function will highlight the relevant pages where your search term is found. You may then click through to the page you want.

Screenshot showing the search function

Font Size

If you click on the font size icon on the top right of the screen you get the option to adjust the size of the text.

Screenshot showing font size icon

Online Reader for EPUB Navigation

Clicking on the icon with the 3 dots will open a menu with multiple general platform navigation options. Here you can go back to the book's details page as well as to several other main navigation points of the platform like the search, the bookshelf, your profile, the language selection, or the online help. Lastly, the menu also provides you the option to sign off.

Screenshot showing the three dots menu icon for navigation options

Maps and Parking