A web-based application serving as a central location for gathering and disseminating congressionally-mandated, airport financial information. The website makes available the airport financial reports of approximately 520 airports that have filed reports since 1996.
Select an airport by name or code (Local ID), and year.
Under “View Form 126,” click Screen to view payments made to governmental entities.
Under View Form 127,” click Screen to view revenue and expenses.
Limited to one user at a time. Please click Logout when finished. Provides independent market intelligence, analysis, news, country profiles, route maps, financials, and data services for the worldwide aviation industry.
Sign in to CAPA according to the directions.
Enter your airport name in the search box and select from list.
In the menu on the left-side, click on Financials.
Scroll down to select overall or specific operating revenue data and year(s).
Provides aviation and aerospace industry news, data and other related information services. Contains technical and operational information on a range of sectors including defense, business aviation, finance, MRO, spaceflight and training. Was previously FlightGlobal.
On the top menu, click on Companies.
In the "Type, and press enter to search" area at the top of the page, enter the airline, airport (or airport code), or company name.
Click on the name in the resulting list and on the result page.
On the "Summary" page, click on the link for Financials.
If you experience difficulty accessing any part of this database, clear your Internet browser's cache and cookies.
NETWORKS tab data is limited to only scheduled routes information and no network analysis.
To return to the main page, click the CIRIUM logo in the upper left corner of any page.
Search Tips
To perform a simple keyword search, click the magnifying glass icon in the upper left corner of the home page to open the Search box, enter the desired terms, and press the Enter key.
Use an asterisk (*) at the end of the root of a word to find all variants: fuel* will find fuels, fueling, etc.
Enclose terms in quotation marks to search for exact phrases: “alternative fuels”
Click the NEWS tab in the menu bar to limit general news articles by category, date, location, and article type. (If the Search box is open, click the upward arrow to close it and reveal the News and other tabs.)
Click the COMPANIES tab to locate company profiles for airlines, airports, and MRO providers.
Click the INDUSTRY UPDATES tab to limit industry news articles by category and date.
Click the FLEETS tab to locate fleet data by market groupings (i.e., type of aircraft), manufacturer, and geographic location.
Click the REPORTS tab for full-text reports on various topics, as well as issues of the trade publications Airline Business and Flight International.