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Research Data Management

This guide will assist researchers in planning for the various stages of managing their research data, implementing best practices for managing research data, and in preparing data management plans required with funding proposals.

archiving, publishing, and sharing data

Archiving, Publishing, and Sharing Data

You can share your data easily by emailing it to requesters or posting it to a website, Google, Amazon, or Microsoft. However, these methods are more passive, don't always meet funding requirements, and make your data hard to locate and use. Depositing your data in a research data repository will facilitate its discovery, preservation, and citation. Research data repositories can host, provide persistent access to, and preserve datasets. For many disciplines, there are repositories familiar to and well-used by researchers in the field. Additionally, funder or publisher requirements can dictate or recommend a specific data repository for archiving and making data available.

Popular Data Repositories


Maps and Parking