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COM 221 (Koller) - Analytical Report - Ethics

This guide will help you find resources for your analytical report.


Still unsure? You can always Ask a Librarian! Or, you can take a look at one of our Research Guides, which can provide suggestions of where to begin your research or provide detailed instructions on how to find difficult to locate information.

Remember, EagleSearch will help you find books, articles, and more. It is a great place to start your research because it searches everything the library owns as well as many of our databases. 

For more information about using EagleSerach, take a look at the EagleSearch Research Guide.

Here are some suggested searches, using Facebook as an example. When completing your own searches, remember to substitute for your company and brainstorm the different key concepts you want to research:

  • facebook
  • facebook AND ethic*
  • "social media" AND ethic*
  • ("social media" OR facebook) AND ethic*
  • ("social media" OR facebook) AND ethic* AND (design* OR engineer* OR algorithm*) ​
  • You can use Business Source Complete to find company information and analyses. You can also find both popular and scholarly sources from a large variety of business journals. To search, just follow these steps:

Screenshot of the article record. Items are labelled 1 through 3 and explained below.

  1. Enter your search term(s). This could be the company you are researching or you can add other concepts with the word AND
  2. Note the suggested search terms. You can either click on these to immediately use them or note them for another search
  3. Click Search
  4. The results page allows you to use many limiters to narrow your results. These include narrowing to only Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) JournalsPublication Date, and by Subject. Remember, think of the Subjects as keywords or additional search terms. These are subjects discussed in each article.


  • Once you click on an article, you will be taken into its record. From here, you have many options:

Screenshot of the article record. Items are labelled 1 through 7 and explained below.

  1. This is the title of the article.
  2. This is the rest of the citation information, including authors, publication title, date of publication, volume and issue numbers, and pages.
  3. You can use the Subject Terms and Author-Supplied Keywords in subsequent searches. You can either click a term or just make a note of it and add it to a search. Note, not all articles will have both Subject Terms and Author-Supplied Keywords.
  4. The Abstract is a short summary of the article. It tells you what the article is about and any major findings the author(s) are reporting. You can also use the abstract to see the terminology experts in the field are using. You can add these terms to your search.
  5. This is the Digital Object Identifier or DOI. You can add this to your full citation.
  6. You can download a PDF Full Text of the article. Note, this option may not be available for every article.
  7. You have many ways to save the article, such as printing it, emailing it to yourself, saving it, or exporting it to RefWorks. NOTE: If you choose the Cite option, always refer to the Publication Manual of the American Psychology Association. For more information about citing sources, visit the Citation Style Research Guide.
  • Nexis Uni is helpful for finding business information and analyses. You can also find primary legal documentation such as regulatory, statutory, and court documents. 
  • You can use the large Search box to search for information about the company you are researching. Connect concepts by adding AND

To search for only company information in Nexis Uni, follow these steps: 

Screenshot of eleents of a company info search labelled 1 through 4

  1. Select Company Info in the Guided Search box
  2. In the next search box, type the name of the company you are researching. You can also add search terms by connecting them with AND
  3. Select All Company Information
  4. Click Search
  5. Use the limiters on the results page to narrow your results. For example, you can Search Within Results, select a TimelineSubject, or Keyword

To search for only Court Cases, which are primary sources, you'll follow similar steps:

Elements of a court case search with elements labelled 1 through 5

  1. Choose Cases under Guided Search
  2. You can choose either Federal Cases or State Cases
  3. Type the name of the company you are researching
  4. Keep All Dates
  5. Click Search
  6. You will have options to limit your search results, such as by Practice Areas & Topics and by Keyword

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