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Case Study Research

This guide will assist researchers in finding both individual case studies and information on how to analyze and design case studies.

Finding a Case Study

Search for case studies in EagleSearch

Example: "case study" AND aviation

Below are instructions for locating case studies in some aviation specific databases:

Below are instructions for locating case studies in some business specific databases:

Below are instructions for locating case studies in some engineering specific databases:

Below are instructions for locating case studies in some general/multidisciplinary databases:

Below are instructions for locating case studies in some psychology specific databases:

Below are instructions for locating case studies in some science specific databases:

Harvard Case Studies

Harvard Business Publishing offers free Educator Accounts to university-affiliated instructors. Among the benefits is access to the Harvard Business School's famous series of case studies.

New accounts must first Register. Current accounts may Sign In.

Note: Free student or individual accounts are not available.

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