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ECON 420 - Economics of Air Transportation
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ECON 420 - Economics of Air Transportation
This guide provides resources that will be useful in the completion of assignments for students enrolled in ECON 420 Economics of Air Transportation.
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Administrator's Fact Book | FAA
Provides data and statistics for air traffic, airport activity, employment, and labor relations.
Airline Data Project | MIT Global Airline Industry Program
Includes statistics for individual airlines and the airline industry in areas such as revenue and expenses, employee compensation and productivity, traffic, capacity, and more.
Airlines, Airports, and Aviation | Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Includes statistics on airline traffic, airfares, and on-time activity.
Aviation Forecasts | FAA
Provides forecast data on aviation traffic and activity.
Aviation | ITF - International Transport Forum
Contains several briefs, papers, and presentations related to economic aspects of the aviation industry.
Commercial Market Outlook | Boeing
Provides forecasts of air traffic volumes and airplane demand.
Global Market Forecast | Airbus
Forecast data covering air traffic and different elements of demand, including demand for air travel, freight traffic, passenger aircraft, and more.
IATA Economics
Provides analyses of economic and policy developments affecting the financial performance of the global airline industry.
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