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Alumni and Guest Research Databases

This page provides a list of subscription and open access research databases accessible by alumni and guests.


Note that as a guest, you do have access to some of our online databases, several of which are full text; unfortunately, many must be accessed from on campus. Current students, faculty, and staff should go to the Research Databases page for access to the Hunt Library's complete list of offerings.

To set Hunt Library's EAGLEsearch to access only unlicensed resources, first conduct a search, then check "Add results beyond your library's collection" above your results, and select "Open Access" to the left of your results.

Online Journals - Search or browse the Hunt Library's journals, magazines, and newspapers.


Florida Access Only

Daytona Beach Campus Only

Alumni and Guest Information 

The Hunt Library welcomes alumni and guests to visit the library. Borrowing privileges are available to all alumni and eligible Volusia County residents. In addition, all visitors may browse our stacks and access the Internet on select computers. All patrons are expected to adhere to the Hunt Library Code of Conduct.

Learn about Services for Alumni and Guests.

Useful Links

Scholarly Commons - The open access digital repository of the intellectual output produced by the faculty, students, and staff of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

University Archives - The official repository for the historical records of all three campuses of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and all of its predecessor bodies since 1926.

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